Video Details

Added by
wondergirl Germany
5:21 min
Average Rating
37 Ratings
Doctor Games
Golden Showers
Rough sex

Video Description

Up close you can be there! Who is it, exactly to see where my golden juice comes from the need to see this video. My cunt is wide open with a speculum, all the details are very close to see, as if you're in front of me. I bet you've never been so close, until I start hesitantly, then my beam is always thicker and harder, my fingers edit my clitoris to orgasm Den experiencing You're almost as if you put in me! Only fuck is real


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  • flipppp123

    Oct 16, 2016, 11:40:40 AM

    Das ist ein ganz tolles Video und wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass ich Deinen ganzen Saft aufsaugen könnte, komme ich auch gleich zum Orgasmus. Du bist total supi?

    Response from wondergirl

    Oct 16, 2016, 11:51:12 AM

    vielen DANK für deinen Kommentar :-)

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